

There are many different questions and perspectives you can use to guide your fieldtrip and field work around Tempelhof Airport. You might be interested in land use and decision-making processes, in the history of the site, the way bottom-up, alternative and sharing concepts seek to provide inclusive spaces or the role of rewilding. Concepts provide you with a specific lens to bring into focus dimensions relevant to your research.

Place making and place claiming

Perspectives on place making and claiming focus on the social (re)production of space and the contestations surrounding these processes. These relate to land use and access to land which are linked to underlying decision-making structures (e.g. privatization, internationalization).

Go to Place making

Historical perspectives

Historical perspectives highlight the past but also allow understanding the present through representations of the past.

Go to Historical perspectives

Urban gardening

Urban gardening initiatives have grown in numbers over the past years. Berlin in particularly has a wide range of urban gardening initiatives from food growing to communal spaces.

Go to Urban gardening

Conservation, Restoration, Rewilding

Rewilding describes the idea of ecological or environmental restoration as a form of conservation to increase biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.

Go to Conservation

Global city

Cities and urban areas are never self-contained but always connected with multiple other places. We hence frequently understand cities based on their international role.

Go to Global city

Created by
Julia Affolderbach, Sabine Dörry, Sylvain Klein, Cyrille Médard de Chardon, Ivonne Weichold, and Sahar Zavareh
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The creation of this platform and some of the resources have been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020 1 DE01 KA226 005814. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.