Berlin Tempelhof Airport Virtual Fieldtrip


The former area of Tempelhof Airport in Berlin is one of Europe’s largest inner urban green areas. The closure of the airport in 2010 provided Berlin a large availability of centrally located land – the Tempelhof Field – for urban regeneration and alternative uses. In our strongly capitalist society land, especially in urban cores, is highly valued and sought after for development. However, local interests have had a strong influence in shaping how the land has been reallocated. The site provides an interesting and unique case study for geographic analysis including historical, political, economic and social aspects. This virtual fieldtrip provides an entry point to explore the site from different perspectives.

The location of Tempelhof Airfield

Berlin Tempelhof Airport Virtual Fieldtrip Summary

You can discover the virtual field trip site through Stories, Methods and Concepts which provide you with different angles and fascinating insights of the Tempelhof Field.


Stories provide thematic input, information and insights on different aspects on and around the Tempelhof Field.

The Gardening project
The Tempolhof Airport building archives


Methods provide examples of different ways of researching and collecting data at the Tempelhof Field.


Concepts offer different angles to think about and better understand processes of urban transformation and place making.

Urban planning and conflict
Created by
Julia Affolderbach, Sabine Dörry, Sylvain Klein, Cyrille Médard de Chardon, Ivonne Weichold, and Sahar Zavareh
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The creation of this platform and some of the resources have been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020 1 DE01 KA226 005814. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.