Visual media

Students may choose to engage with visual media methods such as a podcast, videos, blogs or assess how social media is tagged and used in these spaces to consider other aspects of human and physical geographies of the Templehof Airport. These methods can be used both for data collection and analysis as well as for presentation of results.

Here is an example of a film made by students at the University of Hull documenting their Berlin field trip experience:

The video below shows one 'behind-the-scenes' cut of the filming included in the field trip documentation.

Literature recommendation

Pyyry, N., Hilander, M. & Tani, S. (2021) Photography and photo elicitation as visual methods. In: von Benzon, N., Holton, M, Wilkinson, C. & Wilkinson, S. (eds.) Creative methods for human geographers. Los Angeles: Sage, pp. 75-86. Author PDF

Created by
Julia Affolderbach, Sabine Dörry, Sylvain Klein, Cyrille Médard de Chardon, Ivonne Weichold, and Sahar Zavareh
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The creation of this platform and some of the resources have been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020 1 DE01 KA226 005814. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.