Current land use

The area of the former Airport Tempelhof can be divided into two different parts.

The larger part contains the Tempelhof Field as open urban greenspace (see land use map below). The area of the former airport building at the Southwest edge of the field together with the hangars is not part of the public space.

The building, managed by the Tempelhof Projekt GmbH, provides office space, room for exhibitions and events including communal uses. The space of hangar 2 and 3 at the airport building is currently occupied by more than 200 containers providing temporary housing to approximately 850 refugees.

Figure 1: Land use map of Tempelhof Field. Grünberlin GmbH (map source)

The land use map provides a good overview over Tempelhof Field and its designated uses.

These can be differentiated into three main categories:

  1. Recreation: Designated areas for recreational uses such as sports (incl. biking, running, kite buggying), BBQ and dog areas.
  2. Nature restoration and protection (rewilding) including the green area between the two former runways as well as the green space East of the former runway with a pilot project based on sheep grazing.
  3. Pioneer Projects or fields are designated areas for temporary projects which are identified by the red flags (with a “P”) which are mostly found near the entrance at Herrfurthstraße, Columbiadamm, Tempelhofer Damm and the Eastern edge of the field.

Figure 2: Sleeping containers providing temporary accommodation to refugees. Photo: Sabine Dörry, Sept. 2022.
Figure 3: One of the nature restoration sites. Photo: Sabine Dörry, Sept. 2022.
Created by
Julia Affolderbach, Sabine Dörry, Sylvain Klein, Cyrille Médard de Chardon, Ivonne Weichold, and Sahar Zavareh
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The creation of this platform and some of the resources have been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020 1 DE01 KA226 005814. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.